Monday, March 17, 2008


The following illustrations are by the author, in response to the current absence of clear illustrations of the stones available on line.

(©2008 T.King - (Re-)publishing these images, in part or in whole, is not permitted without expressed consent from the author).

For clear online photos of these stones, take a look at this article by Jim Hatt.

The Horse Stone

• The horse is facing to the viewer's left, with its tail to the right. Within the torso of the horse is what may be the number 3 or some type of "double-bump" sign. Behind the horse's tail is a letter E and behind the horse's back left leg is another number 3 (or "double-bump" sign). Above the horse's neck is a circle O with a dot in its center. A wavy line in the middle of the left side of the stone connects to the horse's face (*suspicion: perhaps this wavy line and this horse are a portrayal of certain mountains or hills, that this image portrays the silhouette of certain hills, perhaps one that looks like a horse OR this wavy line represents a trail or road).

• On the left side of this stone: on the upper left is a number 5 with three equally-spaced holes/dots surrounding it. Below this 5 is an uneven line with the word RIO (Spanish río - "river, stream") written beneath it. Thus, perhaps this line portrays a river. Between the line marked RIO and the wavy line in the middle of the left side of the tile are two O signs (with dots in their centers) and a sign that looks a little like an Omega Ω (*suspicion: this sign may mark some land feature, such as a hill, cave, or cairn).

• Below the wavy midline on the left side of this stone, near the left edge, is a cross (*suspicion: perhaps this marks a known settlement or church, along a trail or river).

• On the bottom left side of the stone is the Spanish expression EL COBOLLO DE SANTAFE. The term is likely to be "el caballo de Santa Fe," meaning "the horse of Faith." According to the work of Gene Botts, in earlier Spanish, this expression had a meaning like "I am a servant of the Faith."

• On the upper right of the stone is the expression YO PASTO AL NORTE DEL RIO "I graze to the north of the river." (*suspicion: This phrase and the one on the left lend themselves to a double meaning in Spanish: "The horse of Faith, I graze to the north of the river" and perhaps "The servant of Faith, I shepherd to the north of the river.")

• Below this expression on the right is what looks like a letter G, or a number 6.

• *Overall suspicions: If the text refers to a "servant of Faith" who "grazes/shepherds north of the river," both of these items may be reflected on the map features of this stone: a cross marking the location of a church or mission, and the river where this "servant of Faith grazes/shepherds . . . to the north."


James Sieglitz said...

This should really be Part III. Together with the Priest Stone and using the computus as a key, the use of the Jesuit Code reveals some pertinent data.

In part, the code reveal a palendrome, i.e., letters that read the same forwards and backwards. In this instance the palendrome is "SONORONOS" or SON ORO NOS.

In English this reads "The Gold Is Ours." Placed into a 3 X 3 magic square the words reads the same forwards, backwards, upwards and downwards.

Something else is diagonally, the letters read SRN or NRS. Surprisingly, these letters form the title of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Superior Rector Nuestro or Nuestro Rector Superior. In English it reads Our Superior Rector. The actual title recognized by the Vatican.

I guess this might support the claim the Jesuits originated the Stones.

Cevolinga said...

Does anyone else see the word "mill" written in the mane of the horse?

Unknown said...

in this picture it does not show the gold symbol with an arrow pointing to the horses rear like there is on the real stones. This is key, I decoded the heart map using the heart and found a 10ft mine entrance in the shape of a downward pointing arrow. I posted a picture of it on my instagram :
its the first picture of the peralta mine in history. I tried making the hike but it was treacherous and the thorny brush tore me up I struggled to make it and fell short about a mile and a half of the location. so I hired h5 helicopters to fly me in there after June 6th. once I stake my claim I will reveal more to the world. The stones are real and I have decoded over 12 symbols on them which led me to the mine!